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Registrar-se com a membre no comporta cap altre obligació que la de respectar el reglament i als altres membres.
Caldrà, però, que prèviament els Administradors activin la teva inscripció perquè puguis connectar-te.
Mentrestant, com a visitant només veus una part dels fils que hi ha oberts a tots els membres.
Encara no ets membre i vols saber quins són els requisits per a inscriure's? que cal fer per a donar-se d'alta? És molt senzill, està tot explicat aquí:
Reglament del fòrum / Inscripcions
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| | Autor | Missatge |
AdminTRENS.CAT Àngel de la guàrdia
Ubicació : Samalus (Barcelona) Edat : 65 Data d'inscripció : 03/01/2009 Nombre de missatges : 869
| Assumpte: English Dv Gen 16, 2009 8:39 pm | |
| Welcome to TRENS.CAT The Forum TRENS.CAT is a communication channel for enthusiasts who practice the garden train at the territories of Catalan speech. Even that the Forum TRENS.CAT is also a tool opened to those enthusiasts from all around the world. The administrator team of the forum, as well as the members, will be proud with your participation. Nowadays speaking different languages is not a problem since you can find in internet many translators on-line that allow you to read and to write in any language even you don't speak it. Any person non Catalan speaker interested in following this Forum in any other language can make it through those translators. To get it easy, we give you some links at the TRENS.CAT Portal that take you to some translators that work with Catalan: Once you have liked one of those links, a new window will be opened with the corresponding translator. If you don't speak Catalan, to understand the posts you just will have to copy and paste the texts to the translator. You can use those translators to open a new topic or to reply a post as well. To do it you will have to write the text at the translator on your own language, use the translator and then copy and paste to the forum as a reply or as a new topic. Good navigation! Team Manager TRENS.CAT . | |
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| Permisos d'aquest fòrum: | No pots respondre a temes en aquest fòrum
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